Luke Rice, PI
Title: Associate Professor
Project: All of them!
From: New Jersey, USA
Education: Yale B.S. Physics, Ph.D. MB&B
Pipets: Right-handed
Favorite lab instrument: AKTA

Eric Bonventre, Staff
Title: Research Scientist
Project: Jack of all trades
From: Brooklyn, NY
Education: SUNY Albany B.S. Biology
Pipettes: Right-handed
Favorite lab instrument: Orbital Shaker

Binnu Gangadharan, post-doc
Title: Post-doctoral Fellow
Project: MT polymerases and MT structure
From: Kerala, India
Education: NCBS Ph.D Biochemistry
Pipettes: Right-handed
Favorite lab instrument: "The Hammer"

Kseniia Dudnyk, student
Title: Visiting Junior Researcher
Project: Tubulin mutants
From: Dnipro, Ukraine
Education: Warsaw WUT B.A. Medicinal Chemistry
Pipettes: Right-handed
Favorite lab instrument: High-pressure microfluidizer

Tae Kim, student
Title: MSTP Student
Project: Computational simulation of MT dynamics
From: Seoul, Korea
Education: Swarthmore B.A. Physics & Chemistry
Pipets: Right-handed
Favorite lab instrument: Bunsen burner

Xuecheng Ye, Staff
Title: Senior Research Associate
Project: Tubulin mutants
From: Xiaochang/Hubei, China
Education: Wuhan University Ph.D. Biology
Pipets: Right-handed
Favorite lab instrument: AKTA